Monday, April 15, 2019

Install Tomcat Server in Ubuntu

Easly install Tomcat Server in Ubuntu

Step1 : First Follow this tutorial to install and config Tomcat

Step 2: Now config tomcat in eclipse

If you are not seeing any option of server in eclipse by choosing

new -> other -> server

check below link

Now Follow below link

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Step guides to install OpenCV

In Window Run Following Command

conda update anaconda-navigator  
conda update navigator-updater
pip install opencv-python
conda install -c opencv

IN Linux  

pip install opencv-python
conda install opencv 


 conda install --channel opencv3


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Machine Learning Study Material

Cloud Computing Study Material

Following Link Contains Following CC Chapters

1. Intro
2. Distributed
3. XML
4. XML Schema
5. Web Services
6.  Mod WebServices
7. First WebService
8. Web Services
10. Eclipse WebServices
15. Virtual Machine Monitors
16. OpenStack
17. JSON
18. REST - I
19. REST  -II
20. Cloud pgm

Behavior Recognition System Based on Convolutional Neural Network

Our this article is on this  research paper .  Credit : Bo YU What we will do ? We build a set of human behavior recognition syste...